In March 2020 millions were told that distance was safety and by staying apart, we protected each other. Social distancing became a way of life, patience became more powerful than any virtue and our home became once again a haven like the castles of our forefathers. In the beginning of this new reality that had no date of expiry it was hard for all of us to grasp what was happening. One thing was clear, although we were all apart, fear, despair, confusion united us. I felt the urge to find a way of turning the darkness into glimmers of light. This is when I realized that reaching out with my art may transform Social Distance into Distant togetherness. I felt that 2021 could only be represented by Black and White, colors would hide the truth and emotions, hoping that there is a light of at the end of the tunnel.

Result #1

In March 2020 millions were told that distance was safety and by staying apart, we protected each other. Social distancing became a way of life, patience became more powerful than any virtue and our home became once again a haven like the castles of our forefathers. In the beginning of this new reality that had no date of expiry it was hard for all of us to grasp what was happening. One thing was clear, although we were all apart, fear, despair, confusion united us. I felt the urge to find a way of turning the darkness into glimmers of light. This is when I realized that reaching out with my art may transform Social Distance into Distant togetherness. I felt that 2021 could only be represented by Black and White, colors would hide the truth and emotions, hoping that there is a light of at the end of the tunnel. The sadness of the distance is not my sadness. It is that of a part of the world that has no end.And then the light came into my life. I was suddenly overwhelmed by the sheer joy of the light. I realized that the darkness, the blackness of the world, was no longer as dark as it seemed, that it had become a beautiful light. I could no longer feel the isolation of the darkness, and I could see the light and the world around me as something radiant and luminous. I could see the world as if it were a rainbow.The world was no longer a dark and dark place, but a light. I could go out and look at it, see it as a light, see it as a beautiful light. It was as if I were back in the time of the sun, looking at the night sky as if it were a beautiful painting, and the night was a perfect and perfect color. I could see the world as if it were a pure light. The world was beautiful. And I could go out and see it. The world was light. The world was beautiful.I realized that I was a part of the world, that I was part of the world. And in that I was, the world became beautiful, and I could take it in, as I had always done. The world became light, and I could take it in, as I always took it in. The world became beautiful. I could go out and see it. The world was light. The world was beautiful.And I could go out and see it again. The darkness was no longer there. The darkness was gone. The darkness that was there had been hidden. It was the darkness that was gone, and the light that came into it. The darkness that was there had been made beautiful. And the darkness that was not there was all that remained. It was the light that had been there, the light that had been there.

Result #2

In March 2020 millions were told that distance was safety and by staying apart, we protected each other. Social distancing became a way of life, patience became more powerful than any virtue and our home became once again a haven like the castles of our forefathers. In the beginning of this new reality that had no date of expiry it was hard for all of us to grasp what was happening. One thing was clear, although we were all apart, fear, despair, confusion united us. I felt the urge to find a way of turning the darkness into glimmers of light. This is when I realized that reaching out with my art may transform Social Distance into Distant togetherness. I felt that 2021 could only be represented by Black and White, colors would hide the truth and emotions, hoping that there is a light of at the end of the tunnel. I found the final part of the exhibition, entitled The End of the Tunnel, which was installed in the gallery space and filled with artworks from all parts of the world, from the various cultures of the world and the various civilizations.The works that dominated the exhibition were sculptures and drawings from the past seven years. They were the most original, as they were the most convincing, in their simplicity and their obvious reference to the human form. There was a strong resemblance to the art of the 20th century. The sculpture that appeared in the show was a full-scale reconstruction of the ancient temple at Saqqara, in the province of Afghanistan. It was installed in the center of the exhibition space, facing a wall with a row of paintings that had been painted with a black stone. The black stone was a symbolic symbol of the sacred that can be used to memorialize any event. In it one saw a part of the real world, but one that was transformed into art.The work that appeared in the gallery space was a reconstruction of the ancient temple at Saqqara, in the province of Afghanistan. It was installed in the center of the exhibition space, facing a wall with a row of paintings that had been painted with a black stone. The black stone was a symbolic of the sacred that can be used to memorialize any event. In it one saw a part of the real world, but one that was transformed into art. The sculpture that appeared in the show was a reconstruction of the ancient temple at Saqqara, in the province of Afghanistan. It was installed in the center of the exhibition space, facing a wall with a row of paintings that had been painted with a black stone. The black stone was a symbolic of the sacred that can be used to memorialize any event. In it one saw a part of the real world, but one that was transformed into art.

Result #3

In March 2020 millions were told that distance was safety and by staying apart, we protected each other. Social distancing became a way of life, patience became more powerful than any virtue and our home became once again a haven like the castles of our forefathers. In the beginning of this new reality that had no date of expiry it was hard for all of us to grasp what was happening. One thing was clear, although we were all apart, fear, despair, confusion united us. I felt the urge to find a way of turning the darkness into glimmers of light. This is when I realized that reaching out with my art may transform Social Distance into Distant togetherness. I felt that 2021 could only be represented by Black and White, colors would hide the truth and emotions, hoping that there is a light of at the end of the tunnel. I felt that 2021 was a new beginning, a new beginning for the artist and the viewer, but also for the artist herself. The dream of the artist as a kind of light and mirror on the other side of the lens, the light of revelation, was present in all of her works.All of the works were small, and the paintings were small, too. They were also all made in the same way: one had to imagine that the works were on top of one another, in a certain order. The paintings were all made in the past year, and it was not an accident that they were all made in the same way: they were all completed in the same way. It is not so much that they were made in haste. In fact, the paintings were made in the same way, and the process of their making was the same as that of their making.The paintings were made by placing acrylic on canvas, a technique that can be traced to the work of Paul Klee. The acrylic paint was then rubbed onto the canvas, giving the surface a rough, rough texture. Then it was sanded. It is this sanding that gives the paintings their patina, as well as their feel of permanence. The paintings were not made to last, but rather to be kept in storage. They were not meant to last for long, and they were never meant to be exhibited. They are not paintings; they are not even paintings. They are not even canvases. They are small paintings, and they are not meant to be displayed. The works are not meant to be painted, but are meant to be kept in storage. They are not paintings, and the paintings are not paintings. They are not paintings, and they are not meant to last for long. They are not paintings, and the paintings are not paintings. They are small paintings, and they are not meant to be displayed. The paintings are not paintings, and the paintings are not paintings.

Result #4

In March 2020 millions were told that distance was safety and by staying apart, we protected each other. Social distancing became a way of life, patience became more powerful than any virtue and our home became once again a haven like the castles of our forefathers. In the beginning of this new reality that had no date of expiry it was hard for all of us to grasp what was happening. One thing was clear, although we were all apart, fear, despair, confusion united us. I felt the urge to find a way of turning the darkness into glimmers of light. This is when I realized that reaching out with my art may transform Social Distance into Distant togetherness. I felt that 2021 could only be represented by Black and White, colors would hide the truth and emotions, hoping that there is a light of at the end of the tunnel. Ive never felt so disheartened. I was afraid I would lose my way of feeling, my way of looking. But I didnt. It was too late.I felt that my dreams were being obscured by the darkness of my reality. I couldnt be certain they werent just nightmares. I had to trust that my dreams were being represented by the colors in the sky, in my dreams. But to do so was to risk my own dreams, to lose them. I felt as if I were being swallowed up by darkness.I didnt want to lose my way of feeling, but I wanted to know more. I wanted to know how to tell my dreams from my reality. But there was no help from the darkness in my dreams, there was no magic to be found in them. I had to search for it. I was searching for a way to tell my dreams from my reality. I felt that there was no magic to be found in them. I felt as if I were being swallowed up by darkness.I didnt want to lose my way of feeling, but I wanted to know more. I wanted to know how to tell my dreams from my reality. But there was no help from the darkness in my dreams, there was no magic to be found in them. I felt as if I were being swallowed up by darkness.I didnt want to lose my way of feeling, but I wanted to know more. I wanted to know how to tell my dreams from my reality. But there was no magic to be found in them. I felt as if I were being swallowed up by darkness.I didnt want to lose my way of feeling, but I wanted to know more. I wanted to know how to tell my dreams from my reality. But there was no magic to be found in them. I felt as if I were being swallowed up by darkness.I didnt want to lose my way of feeling, but I wanted to know more.

Result #5

In March 2020 millions were told that distance was safety and by staying apart, we protected each other. Social distancing became a way of life, patience became more powerful than any virtue and our home became once again a haven like the castles of our forefathers. In the beginning of this new reality that had no date of expiry it was hard for all of us to grasp what was happening. One thing was clear, although we were all apart, fear, despair, confusion united us. I felt the urge to find a way of turning the darkness into glimmers of light. This is when I realized that reaching out with my art may transform Social Distance into Distant togetherness. I felt that 2021 could only be represented by Black and White, colors would hide the truth and emotions, hoping that there is a light of at the end of the tunnel. I felt that I could say something to the world about my discomfort, my loneliness, my vulnerability, my feelings of fear, my loathing, my rage, my unrequited desire. I felt that it was a message from the past that will be heard with silence. However, as I felt it, I felt that I could say it more than that. I could say, I am the voice of my discomfort. I am a woman, I have experienced pain, I have experienced loss, and I am a woman. The voice that I have never heard before, and I do not know how to say it without sounding stupid. The voice that I never heard before, and I can never say it. It was a voice that I never heard.I felt that I could say it more than that. I could say, I am the voice of my discomfort. I am a woman, I have experienced pain, I have experienced loss, and I am a woman. The voice that I have never heard before, and I do not know how to say it without sounding stupid. The voice that I never heard before, and I can never say it. It was a voice that I never heard.I felt that I could say it more than that. I could say, I am the voice of my discomfort. I am a woman, I have experienced pain, I have experienced loss, and I am a woman. The voice that I have never heard before, and I can never say it. It was a voice that I never heard.I felt that I could say it more than that. I could say, I am the voice of my discomfort. I am a woman, I have experienced pain, I have experienced loss, and I am a woman. The voice that I have never heard before, and I can never say it. It was a voice that I never heard.I felt that I could say it more than that.

©2025 Lucidbeaming