The theme of my artworks is humanity versus technology where
The theme of my artworks is humanity versus technology where vernacular culture meets high technology, a relationship that can be seen in the large, color-saturated paintings and the color-saturated drawings of the films. The paintings are a pastiche of old color-saturated film stock and of photographs of the works of other painters. The drawings are of photographs of the works in the artists studio taken by a camera. The photographs are of the same paintings, but in reverse. The photographs are of the same paintings, but in reverse. The drawings are of the same paintings, but in reverse. The photographs are of the same paintings, but in reverse. The drawings are of the same paintings, but in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The drawings are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The drawings are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The drawings are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse. The paintings are in reverse. The photographs are in reverse.
The theme of my artworks is humanity versus technology where vernacular artworks are concerned. In the end, what I am doing is the opposite of what I am told I am supposed to be doing. In the works, I am just showing off my ability to be an artist. In this regard, I am not a technological artist. I have no desire to become one. I am an artist. I am a technic artist.In the end, I dont really care about what technology is supposed to do; I just want to show it off. What is important is to create a work that does not rely on technology. It is possible to create a work that does not depend on technology, but it is important to do so. Technically, I can do whatever I want. Technology is not a tool to be used to create art.Technically, I can be as expressive as I want to be. The problem with technology is that it is a tool to be used to create art. Technology is not a tool to be used to create art.Technically, I can do whatever I want. Technology is not a tool to be used to create art.Technically, I can be as expressive as I want to be. The problem with technology is that it is a tool to be used to create art.Technically, I can be as expressive as I want to be. The problem with technology is that it is a tool to be used to create art.Technically, I can be as expressive as I want to be. The problem with technology is that it is a tool to be used to create art.Technically, I can be as expressive as I want to be. The problem with technology is that it is a tool to be used to create art.Technically, I can be as expressive as I want to be. The problem with technology is that it is a tool to be used to create art.Technically, I can be as expressive as I want to be.
The theme of my artworks is humanity versus technology where vernacular culture meets advanced technology. In the first, I use the photographic image as a medium. In the second, I use it as a container, which is also a human object. The image of the photographic image is never neutral, and it always contains the traces of technology. It is a residue of an industrial process, of a process of production. The image of the container is always provisional. The image of the container is always also a residue of technology. The container becomes an image of technology. The image of the container is also a technological image. The container, then, is both an image of images and a container of images. The image of the container, then, is both a residue of images and a residue of technology. It is the residue of technology and the image of images. The image of the container, then, is both an image of technology and an image of images. It is a residue of technology and the image of images. The image of the container is both an image of technology and an image of images. It is a residue of technology and the image of images. The image of the container is both an image of technology and an image of images. It is a residue of technology and the image of images. The image of the container is both an image of technology and an image of images. It is a residue of technology and the image of images. The image of the container is both an image of technology and an image of images. It is a residue of technology and the image of images. The image of the container is both an image of technology and an image of images. It is a residue of technology and the image of images. The image of the container is both an image of technology and an image of images. It is a residue of technology and the image of images. The image of the container is both an image of technology and an image of images. It is a residue of technology and the image of images.
The theme of my artworks is humanity versus technology where vernacular objects and technologies meet, as the poet Charles Dickens put it in his poem The Curse of the Mahogany, in which the curse of the vernacular is the curse of the world. The vernacular becomes a sign of the ichthok of the world and of the human world as a whole, and of the human world as a whole. The ichthok is the world of the human being. It is the world of creation and the sign of creation. It is the sign of the human body, of the human body as the symbol of the human body. It is the sign of the body as the sign of the human body, of the body as the sign of the body. It is the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body. It is the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body. It is the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body. It is the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body. It is the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body. It is the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body as the sign of the body.
The theme of my artworks is humanity versus technology where vernacular, the American and the vernacular, and the vernacular, the vernacular and the vernacular.
©2025 Lucidbeaming