I am playing with salvaged materials and forms. He wants to elicit deja vu. It is some kind of alchemy of objects and shapes and patterns and textures. A magical decoding. It can be about joy but more often about death and loss and longing. There is something in the realm of a future relic, scrap yard and thrift store totems unmoored by time. There is a breakdown of language and a searching for new visual vocabulary. There is a dissolving of time and a rebuilding of multiple layers of memory and projection. All the while, at the core a chance encounter of disparate parts struggling to connect yet committed to decoding their mystery.
I am playing with salvaged materials and forms. He wants to elicit deja vu. It is some kind of alchemy of objects and shapes and patterns and textures. A magical decoding. It can be about joy but more often about death and loss and longing. There is something in the realm of a future relic, scrap yard and thrift store totems unmoored by time. There is a breakdown of language and a searching for new visual vocabulary. There is a dissolving of time and a rebuilding of multiple layers of memory and projection. All the while, at the core a chance encounter of disparate parts struggling to connect yet committed to decoding their mystery. The process is connected to the present moment but also to the past.There are four works in this exhibition and three that bring to mind the monumental painterly abstraction of Richard Diebenkorn. In three of the works the subject matter is a photograph. In the fourth, a painting and a mirror are incorporated. Both are broken. In the fifth, a photograph is seen from a distance and a fragment of a painting is seen through the window of a house. The whole is a clear mosaic. The photograph is the fragmented fragment of a painting and is here a fragment of the mirror, which is also a painting. This fragment of the mirror is now a fragment of a painting and becomes a fragment of a mirror. The work is a symbol of decayed meaning. The painting is a decayed image of a painting. The photograph is an image of a photo and so also is the painting. It is difficult to say whether the works are photographs of the original fragment or decayed fragments. Is one a fragment of the decayed fragment or a fragment of the original painting? Is one a fragment of the painting, or is it a fragment of a fragment of a painting? The fragment, the decayed fragment, and the decayed image are at the same time fragments and reflections of fragments. These are forces of confusion, but also of unity. The decayed image is fragmented, and so is the painting, and so is the decayed fragment. The decayed fragment is still a fragment, but it is also a fragment of a fragment, and is also an image. The three parts of the mosaic, the fragment and the decayed fragment, the fragment and the decayed image, and the decayed image, are all images.The mosaic, the fragment, and the decayed image are forces of confusion and all are fragments, and each is a decayed image. We cannot call them fragments because that would imply a fragment, but they are indeed fragments and so are they.
I am playing with salvaged materials and forms. He wants to elicit deja vu. It is some kind of alchemy of objects and shapes and patterns and textures. A magical decoding. It can be about joy but more often about death and loss and longing. There is something in the realm of a future relic, scrap yard and thrift store totems unmoored by time. There is a breakdown of language and a searching for new visual vocabulary. There is a dissolving of time and a rebuilding of multiple layers of memory and projection. All the while, at the core a chance encounter of disparate parts struggling to connect yet committed to decoding their mystery. In a way, the work is about the interiority of the sacred, the mysticism of the ritual. There is an aggressive absence of neutrality. The sacred is not something one can reach and fully experience. It is only sensed and understood as a sign, an image, a symbol. But the sacred is a sign that is often an image. It is a part of the mystery of the thing. It is a part of the thing that can be grasped but is not a fully understood part. The mysterious word is also a sign, a sign that can be grasped but can only be meaningfully understood as a sign.The message of the work is of no message. It is a message of context, a message that is the context of the work. The work is about the interiority of the sacred. It is about finding the meaning of what is invisible but can be understood. It is about the power of symbols. The sacred is the symbol of the sacred as well as the symbol of the sacred. It is a sign that is often an image. It is a sign that can be grasped but is not fully understood. The mysterious word is also a sign that can be grasped but can only be understood as a sign. The sacred is a sign that is often an image. It is a sign that can be grasped but is not fully understood. The sacred is a sign that is often an image. It is a sign that can be grasped but is not fully understood. The mysterious word is also a sign that can be grasped but can only be understood as a sign. The sacred is a sign that is often an image. It is a sign that can be grasped but is not fully understood. The mysterious word is also a sign that can be grasped but can only be understood as a sign. The sacred is a sign that is often an image. It is a sign that can be grasped but can only be understood. The mystery of the work is in its invisible component.
A return of the original. What comes through is a call for unity in the world.
These are almost surreal sculptures, and their interplay with the other objects is playful. They create the impression of being at once part of the whole and isolated, unable to separate from it. In the same way, it is difficult to escape the sense that they are also places to explore. The space between them is like the space between a concrete block and a nonverbal human being, and the relationship is an emotional one. That is where the magical magic of life and art resides. The artist is a natural alchemist, seeking the purest of materials.
One is enjoined to look.
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