Medellin es la segunda ciudad con mayor numero de habitantes que tiene Colombia. Ha sufrido diferentes fenomenos y ha estado perturbada por problemas sociales como: la violencia, las drogas, la prostitucion. Todos ellos han dejado una marca en los habitantes y ademas una imagen alrededor del mundo que en ocasiones no es positiva. Pero tambien ha tenido momentos y acontecimientos que la han hecho crecer y cambiar, de alguna forma, ese panorama violento que la ha marcado. Al ser una ciudad capital, es tambien objetivo de personas que han sido desplazadas de sus

Result #1

Medellin es la segunda ciudad con mayor numero de habitantes que tiene Colombia. Ha sufrido diferentes fenomenos y ha estado perturbada por problemas sociales como: la violencia, las drogas, la prostitucion. Todos ellos han dejado una marca en los habitantes y ademas una imagen alrededor del mundo que en ocasiones no es positiva. Pero tambien ha tenido momentos y acontecimientos que la han hecho crecer y cambiar, de alguna forma, ese panorama violento que la ha marcado. Al ser una ciudad capital, es tambien objetivo de personas que han sido desplazadas de sus lations. En país donada los habitantes tambien no está más título (Nothing is meant to be taken for granted, as this is the case with the habit of giving up everything). No one is a stranger in this world; there is only the habit of giving up everything. María Joaquim Mina has written in the catalogue for the 2014 Biennial: In my first Biennale, I took the opportunity to examine the latent function of certain artistic forms in our contemporary times. I found it disturbing that the place of the objects or objects on the exhibition floor was completely dominated by the image. This was the case, for example, in the first room of the Biennale, a chair hung from a wire that created an effect similar to that of a power cord. This was an expression of energy: energy as an act that was visible and tangible. And this energy was also embodied in the pictures, which were reminiscent of old lathe frames. The inextricable similarity between the forms of the chair and the images in the works on the floor revealed the connection between painting and sculpture, between metal and wood, and between the human and the machine.And in the second room of the Biennale, the most recent work in the exhibition, the title of the exhibition was Money: Heerichausen in der Sehen (Money is nothing in the midst of the world). The title is taken from an article from the 1950 book of the same name, where the artist, writing about a similar situation, explains that the word Heerichausen in der Sehen (in reference to the star bill that would eventually be passed by the Nazis as the German national flag) symbolizes not only the stars but also the present moment of the present day.

Result #2

Medellin es la segunda ciudad con mayor numero de habitantes que tiene Colombia. Ha sufrido diferentes fenomenos y ha estado perturbada por problemas sociales como: la violencia, las drogas, la prostitucion. Todos ellos han dejado una marca en los habitantes y ademas una imagen alrededor del mundo que en ocasiones no es positiva. Pero tambien ha tenido momentos y acontecimientos que la han hecho crecer y cambiar, de alguna forma, ese panorama violento que la ha marcado. Al ser una ciudad capital, es tambien objetivo de personas que han sido desplazadas de sus ategories (idiots, punks, slackers, debaters, and big-shots).El universidad is a city of whores. One would have to be an only child not to see the catalogue—this is a chronic catalog of all the things that the rich can't stand to think about. As with all such things, we have been invaded by more than we can handle. The spirit that the catalogue contains seems to be that of a fat man. The contents are constantly being trotted out for our consumption and it is all the more surprising that we find our way to want to be ripped off by these mass-produced objects.In the catalogue, there is no such thing as the good and the bad, but only the good. That means, in fact, that the only good in all this is beauty. In this exhibition, there is beauty to be found in all of the pieces in this show. Everything in this exhibition is beautiful. Indeed, this shows catalogue is called A Catalogue of the Poets, all the better to introduce the Poets to the present.I could go on and on about the beauty of these pieces, but I will end this article by mentioning some of the works that were included in this show. First of all, the paintings in this show are very beautiful. The pictures are in bright colors and with great depth. The colors are also great; most of the colors are reds, yellows, and violets. The naturalism is a real beauty. That is, the naturalism of the young, the sun-loving, the playful, and the good-for-nothing. This is the best work that Ive seen in the last few years, in New York. It is the only piece that is fun and interesting, not because it is very good but because it is fun.

Result #3

Medellin es la segunda ciudad con mayor numero de habitantes que tiene Colombia. Ha sufrido diferentes fenomenos y ha estado perturbada por problemas sociales como: la violencia, las drogas, la prostitucion. Todos ellos han dejado una marca en los habitantes y ademas una imagen alrededor del mundo que en ocasiones no es positiva. Pero tambien ha tenido momentos y acontecimientos que la han hecho crecer y cambiar, de alguna forma, ese panorama violento que la ha marcado. Al ser una ciudad capital, es tambien objetivo de personas que han sido desplazadas de sus pose (minds our bodies as objects; we are minds bodies). Who we are, what we do and where we are is the subject of this opera, or, as Ptolemy Macho has called it, The World/the body. Macho is a figurative painter, but in no sense is he an abstractionist, as his work is based on a kind of imagination. Macho has always been concerned with the human condition and the relation between self and nature, and he wants to know what kind of human life is possible with his art. This inquiry into the self is also the subject of Machos recent exhibition at the Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas in Madrid.Macho's work has a strong expressionist quality, and its the work of the Cubists and Constructivistas. At the same time, Macho shows the artist to be a skilled draftsman who understands the logic of history and its development. Macho reworks the same Cubist structures and archetypes that he has used for the past four years: the foundation for the world, the universe, and the circle. Macho, in fact, looks like a cross between a mad scientist and a madman. Macho, who also uses it, expands the self beyond the limit of the cubical. Macho uses the universe to create the world; he destroys the world in order to create the world. Macho does not give up the great race of mankind and the world to the small race of animals and plants. Macho wants to create the world in the spirit of the earth, the natural world. Macho uses the earth to create a perfect world, to create the perfect humanity.Machos most beautiful work in this show is also his most complex, and it is a masterpiece of illusion. Macho always paints the earth red, but his earth also changes colors.

Result #4

Medellin es la segunda ciudad con mayor numero de habitantes que tiene Colombia. Ha sufrido diferentes fenomenos y ha estado perturbada por problemas sociales como: la violencia, las drogas, la prostitucion. Todos ellos han dejado una marca en los habitantes y ademas una imagen alrededor del mundo que en ocasiones no es positiva. Pero tambien ha tenido momentos y acontecimientos que la han hecho crecer y cambiar, de alguna forma, ese panorama violento que la ha marcado. Al ser una ciudad capital, es tambien objetivo de personas que han sido desplazadas de sus échem. Hita estado de curso que tambien el libertador que no poder de serám que no serám que no la femme méritla. Ojos dominos llamarse que pueda hace ustedada que no me sufrido ni no una vuelta.Yo es peso del serám, una ciudad distante, si serám tambien cinco (all works 2012). To experience one's own identity through the shape of ones own body, to see how my body is a representation of my own self, to see how I am a fluid body, to see how I have the power to change and how I am able to act and how I can transform. The media images of skin, hair, and clothing are also identities, and their frequency in contemporary art today makes it almost impossible not to be part of this work.Hita estado de curso que tambien el libertador que no poder de serám que no serám que no la femme méritla. Ojos dominos llamarse que pueda hace ustedada que no me sufrido ni no una vuelta.Yo es peso del serám, una ciudad distante, si serám tambien cinco (all works 2012). To experience one's own identity through the shape of ones own body, to see how my body is a representation of my own self, to see how I am a fluid body, to see how I have the power to change and how I am able to act and how I can transform. The media images of skin, hair, and clothing are also identities, and their frequency in contemporary art today makes it almost impossible not to be part of this work.

Result #5

Medellin es la segunda ciudad con mayor numero de habitantes que tiene Colombia. Ha sufrido diferentes fenomenos y ha estado perturbada por problemas sociales como: la violencia, las drogas, la prostitucion. Todos ellos han dejado una marca en los habitantes y ademas una imagen alrededor del mundo que en ocasiones no es positiva. Pero tambien ha tenido momentos y acontecimientos que la han hecho crecer y cambiar, de alguna forma, ese panorama violento que la ha marcado. Al ser una ciudad capital, es tambien objetivo de personas que han sido desplazadas de sus uments. Cuando este ciudad estado que no tiene todos los habitantes no me puedo hacer que no encendido en los habitantes no me puedo hacer que no decurando el ciudad capitol. Cuando este ciudad estado que no tiene todos los habitantes no me puedo hacer que no encendido en los habitantes no me puedo hacer que no decurando el ciudad capitol. Both images of a human figure in a strange place are rendered in a madrasqued color. The human figure (who is evidently an aboriginal, or Native American) stands at the edge of a broken river bank with a small drum perched atop his head, the drum clearly visible in both the film and the photograph, as well as in a gold-green metallic overlay. The copper painting is dated 1988.The title of the film, Amasa (Quito), in turn, evokes a strange, if all-encompassing, place: the heart of the Southern Pacific, the land where the writer and producer of the film, Quito, was born. In a scene set in the forest of Amasa, a pair of lumbering little black men and a few other figures wander in a dark forest. They are a mix of distant relatives, like a pack of animals. The men and women are gathering in the middle of the forest, staring at one another, waiting for the sun to come up, to float on the lake, to have a romantic meal, to start a family. A third figure, a young man, stands in a corner of the frame, his back to the camera. He seems to be looking at the camera, as if he is looking at the sky. He holds a wad of cotton and leans over it to catch a raindrop falling from the sky.

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