Write a review for Caillebotte's work.
He seems to be a strong, original artist, and his work will always be fresh.
Write a review for Caillebotte's work.This show's title, Nacht der Biographie (Night of the Biographie), takes its title from an essay by the artist, who, like Nacht der Biographie, works to put biographical data on display. The piece is divided into two parts: a map of Germany (as well as its inhabitants) and a photomural of the artist's house in Munich. The latter is presented in an endless spiral, which Nacht der Biographie's entire structure resembles. The map is a work of art, but it belongs to a collection. The photomural of Nacht der Biographie's house is an engrossing example of the spatial paradox of the artist's home: its a world of signs, but its a world of signs that is simultaneously, but not quite, inside and outside. Nacht der Biographie's photomural is a strange version of the real. It's a bit like the real thing. It's also a bit like a photomural—but one that's not real, but that's the point. This is a photomural of the real, and it shows that the real is the limit of art's power. In Nacht der Biographie's case, the limit is the limit of the art world's power, which is why it's the limit of its ability to create signs. Nacht der Biographie's map is the limit of the real, and the real is the limit of maps. The real is a map, but it's not a map of the world. The real is a map, but it's not a map of the world. The real is a map, but it's not a map of the world. The real is a map, but it's not a map of the world. The real is a map, but it's not a map of the world. The real is a map, but it's not a map of the world.
Translated from German by Gerrit Jackson.
It is a good thing to be able to do and will do a lot.
The exhibition will be on view at the Musée des Beaux-Arts Contemporains, Paris, until April 10.Juan de la Cruz-Diez is professor of art history at Universidad Nacional Autónomade México.
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