Two young attractive women find themselves in pitch black space. Then, they start to interact with an illuminating object which is located in the middle of the space. They find themselves in their dark dreamscapes.
Two young attractive women find themselves in pitch black space. Then, they start to interact with an illuminating object which is located in the middle of the space. They find themselves in their dark dreamscapes. It is a bright light and they are surrounded by a vast expanse of black. The object itself is a pair of large gold-framed windows which open out into a large black room. The light in this room is intense and it illuminates the two women. They look at each other and then back at the viewer. A large black curtain wraps around the two women and around the curtain, covering the two men and covering the other two. It is the perfect setup for a double-sided TV, with the two men and the other two-sided room. They are watching each other now. They are watching their own reflection in a mirror. They look at the other man as if they were standing there and the other man as if he were there. And they are both watching the other man, who is watching them.The object is a large, black, square mirror. The blackness of the mirror, the darkness of the room, the lightness of the mirror, all these factors contribute to the drama of the situation. The two women who find themselves in the black space are the two who are watching each other. They are the two who are alone, and they are watching each other. The two women are in the dark; they are not alone. They are not alone. They are not alone. They are not alone. The situation is a dream, a fantasy, a dream which they are watching each other contemplating. They are watching themselves watching each other watch. It is a fantasy that they are watching, not a reality. The two women are not watching each other watch. They are watching themselves watch. They are watching their own reflection, but they are not watching the other man watch. They are watching the other man watch, and the other man watch. They are watching themselves watch.They are watching each other watch. They are watching themselves watch. They are watching themselves watch. They are watching themselves watch. They are watching themselves watch.
Two young attractive women find themselves in pitch black space. Then, they start to interact with an illuminating object which is located in the middle of the space. They find themselves in their dark dreamscapes. Suddenly, the object appears to them, like a mystical light which, in the context of the black, becomes an ominous sign of the impending end of the world.The characters in the piece are usually young, middle-aged and older than the viewer, and their relationship to the object is characterized by a sort of tender intimacy. The two young women act as if they were asleep. They look at the object and move their hands in response. The object, a small wooden sculpture placed on the floor, is clearly a small object. They turn their heads and look at each other. They open their mouths and touch the sculpture. The scene is dreamlike, but not fantastical. The two young women act as if they were dreaming. They are lost in a dreamlike space. The dream is the space of the unconscious. The object is a dream object, and the two young women become lost in it. They do not know what to do. They do not know what to do with their hands. They do not know what to do with their faces. They act as if they were lost in a dream. They are lost in themselves. The dream is not a vision. It is a dream, and it is a vision. But it is not a vision. The two young women find themselves in a dreamspace, and they do not know what to do with it. They are lost in it. The space is their own, and they are lost in it, but they have found a way out of it. They turn away from the object, and they look at it. They are lost in it. They turn away from the object, and they turn their heads. They look at the object, and they turn their backs. They turn away from the object, and they turn their heads. They look at the object, and they turn their heads. They turn their backs. They turn their heads. They turn their heads. They turn their heads. They turn their heads.
Two young attractive women find themselves in pitch black space. Then, they start to interact with an illuminating object which is located in the middle of the space. They find themselves in their dark dreamscapes. They start to perform. In the middle of the night, they start to dance. The object is a disco ball, which they are trying to get rid of. Suddenly, they realize that they are being followed by a disco ball. They run from the disco into the dark, but it is too late. The disco ball is now invisible. The girls begin to follow it. They catch a bus and try to follow it. They realize that the streets are completely dark. They start to chant and dance and chant again. They become more aware of the surroundings, and begin to follow the directions of the girls. They begin to dance again. But the direction changes. Suddenly, they are caught in a street fight. The battle begins. The girls begin to jump on the aggressors. They begin to hit each other. They begin to beat the beating on the floor. The fight continues. At one point, the aggressor grabs a girl by the collar and begins to beat her head, ankles, and body. She falls to the ground and begins to cry. The fight continues. The girl cries again. The aggressor turns and starts to kick the girl. The girl screams and runs away. The aggressor turns and starts to beat the other girl. She falls to her knees and begins to cry. The aggressor turns and begins to kick the other girl. She falls again. The aggressor turns and starts to kick the other girl. She falls again. The aggressor turns and starts to kick the other girl. She falls again. The aggressor turns and starts to kick the other girl. She falls again. The aggressor turns and starts to kick the other girl. She falls again. The aggressor turns and starts to kick the other girl. She falls again. The aggressor turns and starts to kick the other girl. She falls again. The aggressor turns and starts to kick the other girl. She falls again.
Two young attractive women find themselves in pitch black space. Then, they start to interact with an illuminating object which is located in the middle of the space. They find themselves in their dark dreamscapes. They become the protagonists in a dream whose vivid colors are filled with light. They are also the actors in a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. They become the protagonists in a dream whose vivid colors are filled with voices. They are also the actors in a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. They are also the objects of a dream whose vivid colors are filled with voices. And they are also the voices of the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the voices of the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the voices of the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose vivid colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose vivid colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose vivid colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose vivid colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose vivid colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose vivid colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose vivid colors are filled with shadows. And they are also the objects of a dream whose clear colors are filled with shadows.
Two young attractive women find themselves in pitch black space. Then, they start to interact with an illuminating object which is located in the middle of the space. They find themselves in their dark dreamscapes. The object is a small black cube. They do not understand why they are there. They see a shadow on the floor. They feel that they are in a dark cave. They do not understand why the shadow is there. They are mystified and confused. They do not understand what is happening. They turn away from the object and begin to move it. Suddenly, they feel the presence of a body. They see themselves as a shadow. They realize that they are in a room. They recognize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being followed. They realize that they are being followed. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched. They realize that they are being watched.
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