A small show of six geometric linocuts. The general theme is the shape of the room at Wansee conference.
A small show of six geometric linocuts. The general theme is the shape of the room at Wansee conference. The shapes are designed to make the rooms corners and sides seem to be curved. The geometric shapes are the result of the bending of the wall. The curves and curves in turn are the result of the bending of the ceiling. The shapes are very large and appear to be two dimensional. The shapes are created by the use of a simple geometric formula. The geometric shapes are the result of a very sophisticated mathematical process. The geometric shapes are created by a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. The geometric shapes are the result of a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. The geometric shapes are the result of a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process. This is a very sophisticated mathematical process.
A small show of six geometric linocuts. The general theme is the shape of the room at Wansee conference. The linocut shapes are of two kinds, the simple and the complex. The complex ones are the most beautiful, the simple ones are the most subtle. The complexity is the most beautiful, the complex ones are the most difficult to look at. These are the shapes of the heart. The complexity is the beauty of the heart. The simplicity is the beauty of the mind. The complex is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complex is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complex is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complexity is the beauty of the mind. The complex is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complexity is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complex is the beauty of the mind. The complexity is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complex is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complex is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complex is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the mind. The complexity is the beauty of the heart. The simplicity is the beauty of the mind. The complex is the beauty of the mind. The complexity is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complexity is the beauty of the mind. The complexity is the beauty of the mind. The complexity is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complexity is the beauty of the mind. The complexity is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complex is the beauty of the mind. The complexity is the beauty of the mind. The simplicity is the beauty of the heart. The complex is the beauty of the mind.
A small show of six geometric linocuts. The general theme is the shape of the room at Wansee conference. It is a kind of cage, in a cage of space. In the middle of the room, in the middle of the floor, there is a form which is not a room but a rectangle which is a sphere. The form is a rectangle with a circle in its center, but the center of the circle is a circle which is not a room but a sphere. The shape of the floor is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the wall is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the ceiling is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the wall is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the ceiling is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the floor is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the wall is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the ceiling is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the floor is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the ceiling is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the wall is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room. The shape of the floor is also a circle with a center which is not a room but a sphere which is not a room.
A small show of six geometric linocuts. The general theme is the shape of the room at Wansee conference. Each of the six is a four-sided cube. The shapes are not symmetrical but are interlocking. The only cube that is not a cube is the square. There is also a square, but it is on the inside. This is a very small show and one that leaves one with the feeling that there is no reason why the shapes are not equally symmetrical. The symmetry is a convenience, and the idea of symmetry is a source of fascination. The shapes are not symmetrical but are interlocking. The only cube that is not a cube is the square. There is also a square, but it is on the inside. This is a very small show and one that leaves one with the feeling that there is no reason why the shapes are not equally symmetrical. The symmetry is a convenience, and the idea of symmetry is a source of fascination. The shapes are not symmetrical but are interlocking. The only cube that is not a cube is the square. There is also a square, but it is on the inside. This is a very small show and one that leaves one with the feeling that there is no reason why the shapes are not equally symmetrical. The symmetry is a convenience, and the idea of symmetry is a source of fascination. The shapes are not symmetrical but are interlocking. The only cube that is not a cube is the square. There is also a square, but it is on the inside. This is a very small show and one that leaves one with the feeling that there is no reason why the shapes are not equally symmetrical. The symmetry is a convenience, and the idea of symmetry is a source of fascination. The shapes are not symmetrical but are interlocking. The only cube that is not a cube is the square. There is also a square, but it is on the inside. This is a very small show and one that leaves one with the feeling that there is no reason why the shapes are not equally symmetrical.
A small show of six geometric linocuts. The general theme is the shape of the room at Wansee conference. The four pieces are all different in the way they are arranged in a grid, but in all four the same basic shapes are used to give a single shape. The shapes are arranged in a series of alternating colors, but in the center the colors are different. The color black is used to give a red shape, and the colors are in a different order, and in a different order in the background. The colors are used in different ways in the drawing, and the drawing is done with a pencil. The colors are painted on a white background and the drawing is done with a contrasting color. The colors are separated from the drawing by a horizontal line of light, and the colors are used in different ways in the drawing. The drawing is done with a line of dark, and the drawing is done with a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light. The drawing is done with a line of dark and a line of light.
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