Examples of generated reviews

  • [ dabe8e58 ] another feeble attempt at avant garde painting lays in waste
  • [ e7f8309b ] further ash is a found poem
  • [ ddea5da5 ] Have a closer look at the paintings below. Choose ONE painting that you like or appeals to you. Critique the painting based on the questions in the table (35 points). Pablo Picasso, Girl before a Mirror, 1932 1. Composition: Consider the arrangement of objects, people, or elements. What is most prominent? Who or what is on the foreground, middle ground, and background? 2. Technique: Looking at the technique and manner of painting and composition, how is it related to the artists objective?
  • [ 89ba6a96 ] economic problems: unlimited wants cannot be met because there are limited factors of production. this creates scarcity. factors of production: the resources needed to produce goods and services- land, labor,capital, and enterprise.
  • [ 4450756b ] a black woman eating a watermelon with leaf on her head
  • [ 440a84ee ] i hear colors and flowers in your eyes
  • [ dda87ea8 ] Andrea wants to dance full time and have it not be work. She calls each of her pieces Contemporary Dance. She sidesteps the role of artist but insists on asserting an autonomous presence via every unplanned movement. It makes no sense.
  • [ 2fb063b2 ] Can you write a formal analysis for Jean-Baptiste Greuze's "The Souvenir"?
  • [ 6cd89c49 ] the artist beksinski is the best because oil paintings he does really well is creepy
  • [ a568adfe ] This art speaks to me about how truly dangerous people can be. It is very pretty and interesting
  • [ a93d8a8b ] Test testThe character and quality of the results generated by this model depend greatly on what kind of prompt it's given. Type your submission below and the generated results will be emailed to you. They have to be emailed because the generation process can take a while (2-15 minutes). Check the tips below for more direction.
  • [ cb194d17 ] "They say progress is a grinding heel on the face of mankind. I intend to be wearing the boot."- "A wise sys-op must be like water. wanting to let flash, scatter in the everyday landscape what “was so closed, flat, peculiar”; wanting to see the thing convulse in the body of the other: summons him to see/feel for himself another time, prolonged, plunging into the dark, at the limit of the sensitive, where things vibrate micro, infra Shifting, flowing, adapting. Be the docile stream when your enemy sees you first, then when his eyes turn elsewhere, become the raging tsunami. 'Let's do it. What's the worst that could happen?' - Ji "Noise" Reilly. Multitasking and, no questions asked. 10 office computers and 100,000 creds later, I'm out through the 103rd floor window. Some might call it the score of a lifetime, I call it a normal Saturday night."
  • [ 804f570e ] The artist is Venezuelan and works in geometric and abstract sculpture.
  • [ 46849f71 ] A man standing down the tree looking in sky with telescope and his beside environment is full of greenery.
  • [ f7c6c051 ] Create a cartoon of a 1 year old baby with curly hair in a nappy, on the front of the nappy will indicate the word ECOBOOM. The baby's eyes will be blue and his hair brown, he must be cute and cuddly, his name is ECO.
  • [ 23502a06 ] The ocean beach waves seem blurry as they return again and again to the sandy beach. The light reflects from the moving surfaces.
  • [ 455a6cb8 ] Baden's new media artworks are
  • [ 3592ef82 ] Picasso drawing a woman playing cards.
  • [ 556fdd5c ] Describe Desiderantium from Heart Evangelista x Cryptopop Collection in OpenSea
  • [ d1bf7221 ] In his recent solo exhibition Causers, Hemmo Siponen produced a body of watercolour paintings, that addressed multiple different causes of uncertainties and indeterminacies around us.
  • [ 49191304 ] in search of the worst painting on the lower east side
  • [ a18b1e08 ] Waterhouse, Ultra detailed, Ray tracing, Light from left, Rainbow
  • [ 559ac1fd ] Katrina Coombs Bed of Roses art analysis.
  • [ 762452fb ] i want dough Aitkens art work
  • [ 29e6bd87 ] Two little fingernails on two little fingers
  • [ 3294820b ] Carla Busuttil paints bold aggressive portraits
  • [ 54dfcc33 ] a white painting with a white frame
  • [ 9ff8f004 ] if this is permanent, yet generative, does it suggest it is inevitable?
  • [ eb2d3639 ] This is an old blue metal lawn chair that has had half of it covered with a layer of fake skin. The fake skin was painted to look like it was stitched up and covered with blood.
  • [ 9997bdf6 ] Write a lengthy, detailed analysis of the photograph Space Writing (Self-Portrait) by Man Ray. Include targeted writing for the major photographic elements represented in this photo.

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